and Diversity

Our purpose is to ensure that each employee of Diageo Turkey can clearly feel the freedom to reflect their specific characteristics in every aspect. Because we believe that a corporate culture, which we enjoy and appreciate, is possible with diversity, differences and a working environment where these are proudly introduced and mutually recognized.

Herkes Eşit, Herkes Farklı

Inclusion and Diversity

The primary reason for introducing inclusion and diversity as one of our work principles is that they make sustainable contribution to our teammates, customers and ultimately to our business with different opinions, experiences and backgrounds. We believe that an employee distribution, which reflects the diversity of our customers and consumers, will help us become a more successful company of which the employees are proud to be a part. For this reason, internalizing, recognizing and valuing differences in viewpoints of our workmates and reviewing our assumptions form an important part of job description of each of us, whether it is in the leadership level or not.

As part of our efforts towards inclusion and diversity, we hold focus group workshops in our company, listen to the expectations of our employees and develop future action plans to find out what we are good at and what we can do better. As a company that is aware of the importance of listening and being multi-voiced, we continue to work on inclusion and diversity under the leadership of our Inclusion and Diversity Committee, consisting of volunteers. Explaining why inclusion and diversity is important to us and defining our purpose and principles, our Inclusion and Diversity Manifesto, which we have compiled as a guide to refer to while developing the leading policies, aims to clarify our attitude and stance towards inclusion and diversity for our employees, customers, all our stakeholders and everyone following us. Please click here for our Inclusion and Diversity Manifesto.

Our Efforts Towards Inclusion and Diversity

Our Efforts Towards Inclusion and Diversity

All our processes are in compliance with our basic principles of justice and transparency. Every year, we develop a "Justice Map" and focus on finding out what we are good at and identifying our areas of improvement.

  • As a natural result of our inclusion and diversity approach, we provide equal opportunities to everyone, without any discrimination, during our recruitment and in particular, promotion processes.
  • We take a stand against any harassment and discrimination against or among our employees. Since it is a sensitive and important subject, we have no tolerance for any harassment and discrimination, which means that we adopt a "zero tolerance" policy. For example, with the “Policy and Handbook on Combating Violence Against Women”, which we have published across the company, we take a stand against possible problems and stand by women. Please click here for Policy and Handbook on Combating Violence Against Women.
  • We support increased presence of women in social and economic life and increased women's participation in the workforce, and we strive to increase the number of women in male-dominated business segments and to ensure balanced representation in senior management roles.
  • We are committed to reflecting our awareness towards inclusion and diversity in every aspect of our internal and external communications. The expressions we use in our social media posts and job postings emphasize our independent inclusion approach, without any discriminatory stereotypes such as gender, language, religion and ethnicity.
  • We have an A to Z Dictionary of Inclusion with thought-provoking and informative content about the meanings of inclusion concepts and their impacts on us.
  • We are aware of the fact that our ethnic distribution is not just about numbers. With respect to local dishes, one of the first things that come to mind when it comes to ethnic identity, we have compiled a "Local and Ethnic Cookbook" with the recipes learned from elders. Please click here for our Local and Ethnic Cookbook.

As a company believing in
the power of inclusion and diversity,
we will continue to make efforts in this respect until the world is a better place

 Yöresel ve Etnik Yemek Kitabı’mızı incelemek için tıklayın

Sponsorships and Collaborations

  • Thanks to Blindlook, which eases access to all kinds of products and services for technology for visually impaired people, we have made 100 taverns accessible to the visually impaired.
  • We have become the corporate sponsor of the KUIR Film Festival, which has been held by Pembe Hayat LGBTI+ Solidarity Association for 10 years.
  • We bring into life projects in cooperation with the Erisilebilir Her Sey (Everything Accessible) team, and provide the training called "Etkinliklerde Erisilebilirlik" (Accessibility in Events) to all our teams engaged in events and the employees, whom we work with during events, hoping that impaired people can enjoy equally like everyone else.
  • We collaborated with LISTAG Association and held in-house training webinars.